Pizza Plus Cafeteria

Revitalizing Pizza Plus Cafeteria:
A Symphony of Modernity and Tradition


1. Functional Harmony and Comfort

Quality defines Pizza Plus Cafeteria, ensuring functional harmony and comfort as non-negotiable standards in the revitalized space.

2. Dynamic Creativity

Private and Communal Spaces Creative dynamics shape private and communal spaces, with meticulous attention to material details enhancing both exterior and interior designs.

3. Sustainable Innovation

Modern and International Design Standards Sustainability meets modern and international design standards, guiding the project’s responsible approach to architectural innovation.

4. Adapting Spaces for Client Comfort

A Modern Approach Client comfort is prioritized through a spatial layout that seamlessly accommodates movement and seating. Lighting design undergoes a modern transformation, aligning with contemporary aesthetics.

5. Blending Modernity and Tradition

A Thoughtful Fusion The project marries modern and traditional styles through the thoughtful use of matte colors, cement tones, mud bricks, and aged materials.

6. Designing for the Human Scale

Comfort and Well-being Emphasizing the human scale ensures comfort and well-being, with proportions and aesthetics creating visually pleasing and harmonious environments.

7. Cultural Sensitivity

Infusing Tradition with Contemporary Context Cultural sensitivity is at the core, respecting local traditions, preferences, and habits, infusing each design choice with an understanding of the cultural and social context.
In this holistic approach to revitalization, Pizza Plus Cafeteria emerges as a harmonious blend of modernity, tradition, and thoughtful human-centric design, inviting you to savor a revitalized culinary experience.


Sulaimaniyah, Kurdistan Region of Ira
500 m2
Service :
Architecture Design Concept and Construction Supervision.